Go to Customizer – Theme option – Header option, scroll down and Enable there Top line.
There are two areas in line: left and right. In left part you can enable Menu. For this, go to Appearance – menus, create menu and assign it to Top line area

You can use there 2 level of menu.
In right part, you can place few elements and custom code.
- You can enable there User login link in Theme option – User option – Add additional login icon in header and enable there Top line
- Cart link. Theme option – shop settings – Place for Cart Icon (choose Top line)
- Custom code.
You can use Customizer to add custom code and see immediately how it looks. You can use there shortcodes and HTML elements. If you are not familiar with HTML, you can use Elementor and create custom template to show there. Or use our example code to get next

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<span class="ml5 mr5"><i class="rhicon rhi-mobile-android-alt orangecolor mr5"></i> <a href="https://rehubdocs.wpsoul.com/docs/rehub-theme/basic-settings/how-to-add-top-line-on-site/" target="_blank">How to make these links</a></span>
Remove class whitecolor if you have white background on top line