wpfepp_activation – fires through activation of the plugin.
do_action( 'wpfepp_activation' );
wpfepp_uninstall – fires through deactivation and deleting of the plugin.
do_action( 'wpfepp_uninstall' );
enqueue_admin_add_scripts – deprecated and changed to the action below.
wpfepp_extended_form_settings – adds some user defined settings to Extended settings form tab.
do_action( 'wpfepp_extended_form_settings', $page, $callback, $args );
wpfepp_before_update_custom_field – fires Custom fields before save them.
do_action( 'wpfepp_before_update_custom_field', $post_id, $custom_fields );
wpfepp_after_update_custom_field – fires Custom fields after save them.
do_action( 'wpfepp_after_update_custom_field', $post_id, $custom_fields );
wpfepp_do_before_FormID_print_form – prints out user defined actions / HTML only before a Form with defined ID.
do_action( 'wpfepp_do_before_'. $this->id .'_print_form' );
wpfepp_do_after_FormID_print_form – prints out user defined actions / HTML only after a Form with defined ID.
do_action( 'wpfepp_do_after_'. $this->id .'_print_form' );
wpfepp_do_before_print_form – prints out user defined actions / HTML before all forms.
do_action( 'wpfepp_do_before_print_form' );
wpfepp_do_after_print_form – prints out user defined actions / HTML after all forms.
do_action( 'wpfepp_do_after_print_form' );
wpfepp_form_FormID_fields – prints out user defined form fields only in a Form with defined ID.
do_action( 'wpfepp_form_'.$this->id.'_fields', $current_values );
wpfepp_form_fields – prints out user defined form fields in all forms.
do_action( 'wpfepp_form_fields', $current_values, $this );
wpfepp_form_FormID_actions – gives users the ability to perform custom operations on the post data after a post has been successfully added/updated only in a Form with defined ID.
do_action( 'wpfepp_form_'.$this->id.'_actions', $post_data );
wpfepp_form_actions – gives users the ability to perform custom operations on the post data after a post has been successfully added/updated in all forms.
do_action( 'wpfepp_form_actions', $post_data, $this );
do_action('wpfepp_before_display_items', $fields); do_action('wpfepp_after_display_items', $fields); do_action( 'wpfepp_after_post_insert', $post_id, $custom_fields, $post_data ); do_action( 'wpfepp_paid_package_fields', $woocommerce, $post ); do_action( 'wpfepp_save_package_fields', $post_id ); do_action( 'wpfepp_add_user_order_package', $order, $customer_id ); do_action( 'wpfepp_editor_tabs' ); do_action( 'wpfepp_post_table_container_before' ); do_action( 'wpfepp_post_table_container_after' );
apply_filters( 'wpfepp_wc_attributes_limit', 30 ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_product_attributes_options', $atts, $post_id, $tax_attrs ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_login_anchor', $anchor ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_form_'.$this->id.'_safe_tags', $allowed_html ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_export_filename', $sitename .''. $date . '.json', $sitename, $date ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_google_maps_api', true ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_google_maps_url_args', $maps_url_args ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_google_maps_api_args', $maps_api_args, $this->extended ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_google_map_localize', $google_map_localize ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_paid_form_user_message', $message ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_add_number_credit_package', $number_post_package, $customer_id, $order_id, $paid_form_id ); apply_filters( 'wpfepp_add_expire_credit_package', $expire_post_package, $customer_id, $order_id, $paid_form_id );