RH Link pro is bonus plugin which you can get as buyer of our products
Plugin has several modules. Some of them are working only in our themes, but most of them can work also in plugins (like Gutencon). Here is quick explanation of each module
Table of Contents
Cloaking settings
Cloaking allows you to convert affiliate links to inner links with redirect. So, link like amazon.com/product…. will be site.com/go/1234 where site.com is your site. This option is working only in our themes with Post offer link
In current point google can read such links, so, it has no sense to use this if you want to hide link from google. But it can be useful if you want to hide link from users. Also, cloaking link option gives you ability to have inner statistic of links without using Analytics
Statistics settings
Statistic module has two options: Inner statistic and Google Analytics.
Inner statistic
For inner statistic you must have enabled Cloaking. Inner statistic work only for Post offer clicks. Once enabled, you will see also additional two sections in plugin for Post statistic (you can find which post has more clicks) and User statistic (you can find information about clicks for registered users, this can be helpful if you want to give bonus for users or you have multi author blogs)
Google Analytics
Google Analytics shows statistic also from all our ecosystem of plugins: Content Egg, Gutencon, Affiliate Egg, etc. For Google Analytics, the best way is to install also official Google plugin – Google Kit. This will keep fresh your analytics code and gives you statistic inside admin dashboard. You can read more details and how to show link statistic in our separate articles about statistic for links
Rewrite links
This setting allows you to change/replace affiliate ids for your links. Scenarios when you need this
- It’s very common scenario when your affiliate account can be baned, so, you need to replace your affiliate ID
- You placed links on your site without affiliate ID. This module allows to add affiliate ID
- You have multi author blog and you want to replace links submited by other users by your affiliate IDs
Interface is simple

Affiliate domain is domain of link which you want to change. For example, if you want to change only amazon links on your site
Affiliate ID is your ID which gives you commission. You can read more in beginner guide for affiliates if you don’t understand what it means
Tag parameter is most important. It allows plugin to detect parameter which is responsible for affiliate ID. There are two basic affiliate id parameters. First is DIRECT links. For example, in Amazon, your affiliate id parameter is added as tag=yourID. So, this is simple link amazon.com/product/2222. And this is affiliate link with your id amazon.com/product/2222?tag=yourID. tag= is placed in link after symbol ? or after symbol & if link has other parameters. Such parameter is called query string parameter. Such DIRECT links with affiliate id parameter is always better, because it’s more organic. Such affiliate links are usually available in direct shop partner programm
There is also another affiliate link type, usually, from Affiliate Networks. Links look like
As you see, it’s like two links. First is
and second is link to original product
First part is your affiliate ID and it’s called Deeplink. To add affiliate parameter to such link, you must add like this

where you need to add next line in second parameter
Make sure that you enabled option “Deeplink = yes” for such links
Additionally, plugin has option to set probability in fourth parameter and user role where you need to apply change. This can be helpful if you have multiauthor blog and you want to share profit from user submited post offers. So, yo ucan set 50% – this means that plugin will change link to your affiliate ID only on 50% of cases, in other case, it will have affiliate ID of user.