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  4. How to add user submit

How to add user submit

From 5.0 version of theme, you can add user submit on your site. You can create any forms for submit different data and use values on your site

First of all, install bundled RH Frontend posting plugin. For this, register theme license in  Rehub   Registration , then go to  Rehub   Plugins  and take download link from bonus plugins. Install plugin as any WordPress plugin.

After installation, go to settings and add some options, like maximum uploading file size, emails, etc…

Create new form

In settings of form you can restrict access for special site roles and choose roles who can have rights for posting without moderation (other roles will have pending posts after submit).

Form settings

Leave default field as is (or add some restriction and validation). Usually, I disable Excerpt field. Now, in right side you need to add all custom fields.

You can check all important keys for theme here.

I show you fields for post offer section:

rehub_offer_product_url – URL of deal (URL type of element).

rehub_main_product_price – Current deal price (text).

rehub_main_product_price_old – Old deal price (text).

rehub_offer_product_desc – Short features of deal (text).

rehub_offer_product_coupon – Coupon (text).

rehub_offer_coupon_date – Field for coupon end date (date field).

Now, in each meta field you can add some description and validation. I recommend also to strip tags for “All” fields except (maybe) description.

End coupon date set as date field. Publish form and copy shortcode, insert it on new page and remember page. Then, return to  Theme options   User options  and choose this page as user submit page.

You can check this video: