Sometimes you may need names of keys for custom meta fields where theme stores important data. All meta values also can be used as shortcode. If you want to get any custom field, user field or attribute and show it on site (in product loop, in inner pages, in posts, products), you can check our article and shortcode for getting custom fields and attributes.
Table of Contents
Common fields
Usually, these fields can be used in Custom filter panels to make custom sorting and ordering. All these fields store numeric values
rehub_review_overall_score – field where average review score is saved (between editor’s and user’s). Can be 1-10.
rehub_review_editor_score – editor’s score value (1-10)
post_hot_count – counter of post thumbs/hot counter
post_wish_count – counter of post wish-list likes
rehub_views – post view counter
rehub_views_mon – post view per month
rehub_views_day – post view per day
rehub_views_year – post view per year
_rehub_offer_discount – number of discount of Main post offer (works only if you use Content Egg)
_review_score_criteria_1, _review_score_criteria_2, etc – If you have review criteria, these fields will save values from them
is_editor_choice – meta field which stores custom badges Can have values 1,2,3,4 which is equal to Editor’s choice, best seller, best value, best price badges
Post offer section fields
These fields are available in Post offer section
rehub_offer_disclaimer – Disclaimer text of Post offer section
rehub_user_rate – total counter of simple user star rating. If you use full review with criterias for user review, use key post_user_average
rehub_offer_product_url – url for offer. This is required field to add offer to post
rehub_offer_name – name of product. You can leave it blank if you want to use title of post
rehub_offer_product_desc – description for offer
rehub_offer_product_price_old – old price for offer (if you want to show a discount)
rehub_offer_product_price – current price (you can use also any string instead of price). If you plan to sort posts by price, you should also enable correct price clean pattern in theme option – localization
rehub_offer_product_coupon – coupon code
rehub_offer_coupon_date – date for offer expiration. Must be in yyyy-mm-dd format
rehub_offer_coupon_mask – checkbox to mask coupon code. Bulean, can be 1 or empty
rehub_offer_btn_text – set this field if you want to have custom text on affiliate button
rehub_offer_product_thumb – set this if you need offer image. Leave blank to use featured image of post
rehub_offer_logo_url – set brand logo url if you need. Also, theme has store taxonomy. So, to add brand logo, it’s better to add post to it’s store. Then you can add image of store logo in store edit page. This will allow to create store archive, store filters and other good functions. But you can use this field if you don’t need store archives
rehub_offer_discount – field to show discount tag. It works for deal list and deal grid layouts and allow you to show discount tag instead Featured image
_notice_custom – field for cashback notice
WooCommerce product section fields
These fields are available only for Woocommerce products
rehub_woo_coupon_code – coupon code
rehub_woo_coupon_date – date for offer expiration. Must be in yyyy-mm-dd format
rehub_woo_coupon_mask – checkbox to mask coupon code. Bulean, can be 1 or empty
rehub_woo_coupon_url – set brand logo url if you need. Also, theme has store taxonomy. So, to add brand logo, it’s better to add post to it’s store. Then you can add image of store logo in store edit page. This will allow to create store archive, store filters and other good functions. But you can use this field if you don’t need store archives
rehub_woo_coupon_coupon_img_url – url of image for printable coupon function. You must also enable printable function in theme option – shop option
product-type – type of product. Can be “external” if you want to have external product
_product_url – url for external product
_button_text – if you need custom text on button
_regular_price – “old” price or current price if there is discount or current price if there is no discount
_price – field where price is stored (no matter for discount product or not)
_sale_price – field for current price if you have discount
rh_product_video – field for video reviews. This is textarea type, each video must be from separate line
rh_code_incart – field to store custom code areas near button. It supports also shortcodes
rehub_woodeals_short – field to store custom code areas near Short content section. It supports also shortcodes
woo_code_zone_footer – field to store custom code areas before footer. It supports also shortcodes
_purchase_note – Woocommerce field for purchase notice. It will be visible after user purchase product. You can use this field also for adding disclaimers
_wc_average_rating – where stored average rating of Product (based on user ratings)
_stock – key where stock quantity is stored
_manage_stock – is checkbox(can have 0 or 1 value). Key which enables stock managing
_low_stock_amount – low stock amount
Prices in woocommerce must be numeric values without any currency and with dot delimitter.
Theme has few custom taxonomies
dealstore – is key for Affiliate store taxonomy
store – is key for brand taxonomy in woocommerce
rh_post_image_gallery – field for storing additional post thumbnails. Field stores image IDs with commas, example: 2,3,4,5 – where numbers are attachment’s IDS of images
rh_post_image_videos – field for storing additional post videos. Will be visible near thumbnails. Must be as youtube or vimeo links, divided with separate lines. This field is available only in posts, for products, use rh_product_video