All posts and products can have custom badges. Here also some snippets how to automatically assign badges.
Assign badge when post reaches +100 hot/thumb counter
add_action('rh_overall_post_likes_add', 'set_badge_hot_counter'); function set_badge_hot_counter(){ $post_id = intval( $_POST['post_id'] ); $hotcount = get_post_meta($post_id, 'post_hot_count', true); if($hotcount && $hotcount > 100){ update_post_meta($post_id, 'is_editor_choice', 1); } }
This code will change post Badge to First Badge. By default, it’s “Editor Choice” Badge, but you can set own in theme option – custom badges
If you want to set second badge, set 2 in last line. If you want to use this code for wishlist counter, change post_hot_count in code to post_wish_count and rh_overall_post_likes_add to rh_overall_post_wishes_add