Many users have problems with Amazon affiliate sites since Amazon changed their rules and disabled Amazon API for new accounts. Now, you must have minimum 3 sales on Amazon to get access to their API.
Many users still think that they have access when they register on Amazon, but it’s not true. Once you try to use API, you will get next error

So, is it still possible to use Rehub + free version of Content Egg for Amazon? Yes, it’s possible. You will need Offer module.
So, after activation of theme, go to settings and activate Offer module. Here is detailed documentation of module
Then, go to theme option – affiliate and enable synchronization with Offer module. This will allow to fetch all data and save them in theme’s fields to reflect them easily on site

Now, open your post and add Offer in Content Egg

Product URL and title are only few required fields. You can add url on external image if you want to show it on site. If you want to save automatically your external image url as featured image, enable this setting in Offer module. (This will violate Amazon rules, but I never found anyone who had problem with this, because Amazon images are not unique)

Also, enable Shortcode Only option in settings of Offer module.
Now, important about price update. Amazon bans people because of price showing on site. You can show it only if you update prices each 24 hour or less. You can enable Price updates in Content Egg offer section. For this, add amazon site and XPath like this in Offer module settings

Here is xpath which you need to add in xpath field
.//*[@id='priceblock_dealprice']%DELIMITER%.//span[@id='priceblock_ourprice']%DELIMITER%.//span[@id='priceblock_saleprice']%DELIMITER%.//input[@name='displayedPrice']/@value%DELIMITER%.//*[@id='buyNewSection']//*[contains(@class, 'offer-price')]%DELIMITER%.//*[@id='unqualifiedBuyBox']//*[@class='a-color-price']%DELIMITER%.//*[@class='dv-button-text']%DELIMITER%.//*[@id='cerberus-data-metrics']/@data-asin-price%DELIMITER%.//*[@class='a-price']/*[@class='a-offscreen']%DELIMITER%.//div[@id='olp-upd-new-freeshipping']//span[@class='a-color-price']
For price update, add something near 50000, this will tells plugin to update prices each 12 hours. Don’t forget to set own deeplink. You can find it in your own amazon account
Now, when you add Offer in Content Egg and save post, all data will be autopopulated to Post offer section. You can enable default Post layout as Big offer block which is best for Amazon affiliate sites. Read more about Post offer section