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  4. Changes in 13.5

Changes in 13.5

13.5 is major update of the theme and has several things which can potentially break the site if you don’t follow correct update guide.

In 13.5 version we implemented updated css optimizations for general styles.

Many years, coding standarts of wordpress require from developers to make common style and js files for themes. Things are changed after google implemented new web vital standarts. Now, if your site has many styles which are not in use on current page, google can show you notice that you must reduce script and style files.

So, now, we made full code refactoring and merged all styles by logical parts. Each part is responsible for own block and we try to load styles separately. It’s not possible in some cases, for example for post modules, because you can use plugins with dynamic modules like Elementor. But we made optimizations for widgets, inner page styles, post layouts and scripts.

This allows us to reduce general styles by 50%.

After theme update, you must update FILE cache in you use any kind of cache plugin. Many users update object cache, not file and this creates problems. You can ask author of your plugin how to update file cache if you have problem with it. Also, some hostings make inner server file caching, for example, Siteground and Kinsta. Make sure that you flushed cache on hosting also. The best way to check if it’s theme or cache relates issue – simply deactivate cache plugin. Report to us if you still have problem.

Make sure that you updated also Rehub framework plugin. if you have version under 8.6, your widgets will be broken

If you have any customization, compare your files with new files of theme. Next files and blocks were heavily recoded:

  1. Top offer widget, Post list widget, Rehub: tabs
  2. Content egg and affiliate egg widgets
  3. Featured area, featured grid (for posts and for Woocommerce area)
  4. Carousels
  5. Cardbox, category box, Hover banner box
  6. Taxonomy archive shortcode
  7. Simple list block
  8. Comparison function
  9. Compact post layouts, Big offer post layout

If you made customizations for these blocks, check our original files. Mostly, you just need to add few additional classes to divs, maybe copy style blocks and maybe use additional wp_enqueue_style

You can write to us for help

WordPress 5.6

Additionaly, wordpress released 5.6 version and it has big changes in jquery. Now, wordpress loads jquery 3.5 version and this can break almost all plugins. We updated our scripts to latest versions but you can still have bugs with other plugin. Anyway, one more time. Don’t forget to clean FILE cache and minified cache

Deprecated blocks

Few things were deprecated and removed from theme. These are few header layouts: Logo + code zone 728 and Logo + full width code zone

We removed them because of two reasons. First: these layouts have no unique features and we have other layouts which have the same functions. For example, you can make custom header

Also, you can use branded area to place custom ads if you want to show it under logo area. You can find branded area in theme options – ads and code zones.

Second reason is that you should not use ads in header. It’s because ads areas are visible on mobiles and usually it’s converted to 336*336 ads block. This block takes half of space of first screen. Google marks such sites as not mobile friendly and can reduce your position. If you want to have big area for ads on mobiles, use special mobile ads or affiliate networks for mobiles. They provide another type of ads – splashes, slide panels which don’t shift content position.