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  4. Overall description

Overall description

REHub theme has a really powerful system for creating affiliate stores and websites. The most unique feature is a hybrid system with many relations between affiliate stores, review posts, comparisons, products. Let’s talk about different ways of affiliate settings.

After 5 years of user’s feedback, I decided to concentrate on several profitable strategies, which are most easy for start and setup. Our theme provides also many other ways, but next are common and mostly used by buyers. If you have any doubts, you can ask us and provide information about type of site which you want to have and offers, affiliate networks which you want to use.

So, common strategies are next

Price comparison site and Product Hub

Different examples of popular websites which use this way

mysmartprice.com solesupplier

For offer section, you should use woocommerce. We made step by step guide which we update regularly to make this type of sites.

Deal or coupon site

Main difference with price comparison is that each your Item has only SINGLE offer or coupon. Usually, such type of sites are made on offer feeds which you can get in your affiliate network. To import all of them on your site – use Bulk import tool

Very often, our buyers also combine this type of site with Community, where other users also can submit own offer. Example of such site is dealdoktor

So, if you need also submit functions, you can read our docs

Docs about user functions

For advanced setup, you can read about our extended functions (recommended only for advanced users of wordpress)

Gift Idea site

It’s the same as Deal site, but it has special type of design with big images and price snippets. We added special child theme Repick for such type of sites. For offers, you can use Bulk import from previous step or Content Egg (bundled with Amazon module). When you use Content Egg with posts and you want to have deal snippets in posts, you must enable synchronization with CE in theme option – affiliate – Content Egg synchronization. For Post layout, better to use “Button in corner” or “Big offer in top”. Read more about Post Layouts. For other tips, check article about Content Egg

Example of popular Gift idea site is solesupplier

Recommendation site and Expert Blogs

Difference between deal site and recommendation site is that Expert Blogs have reviews as main value of site and they just recommend users different shops where they can buy reviewed product. So, use our Review functions + Content Egg Price List

Examples techradar

Directory of services, apps, etc

This is most hardest type of site for setup, but this site can be very unique and valuable for users, so, you can have a great conversion.

You should use Posts for this type of sites. Then, you need to add many custom data for each post according to specifications of your items. Check this article for details 

Also, we added unique Table Constructor which you can use to create unique table of posts

Paid or free plugins?

Many users ask why we can’t bundle Content Egg PRO and Affiliate Egg PRO to theme bundle. First of all, these plugins are from our partners and we can’t add them to theme bundle. We added Content Egg Lite which is working the same as PRO, difference only in number of modules. We can’t include PRO version because this will increase overall price of theme, but we don’t require these plugins for theme work, so, it will be not fair for users to pay for something which they don’t use. We provide many other ways for affiliate websites and CE plugin is not required for them. But I recommend to install it, because it can be used also for content blocks like videos, images, news.

Is CE plugin worth to pay for it? Yes, just trust me, combination Rehub + Content Egg and Affiliate Egg is real profitable machine. You will not find any alternatives, because many owners of popular sites spent several thousands just for half of functions which you can get with this bundle. If you don’t trust this, just try to find any alternative for wordpress. Many theme’s authors write that they have price comparison theme, but in close look, they used very limited functions and you can’t get real powerful and valuable site. Usually, they provide only bulk import tool of deals and this makes your site not unique, because other users will use the same product feeds. The key of our success is combinations with best actual functions and secrets and our buyers give us best examples and ideas. Currently we have more than 10000 active users and 2 developer team who work non stop to implement best ideas for last 5 years.

So, if you think that $50-60 for theme and $30 is big price, try to search another. You will find only datafeedr or similar plugins which have price near $50 but you must pay it EACH MONTH and you will get just very specific functions and not real ALL in one tools. Some of our buyers earn several thousands of dollars just from one site, so, just trust me, $30 is not big price, think about this price as investment in your future.

Also, we make sale days 1-2 times in month, so, you can get our products with discount.

For theme buyers, we provide also coupons for plugins

REHUB25 – 25% off


For those who are interested in difference between Affiliate Egg and Content Egg, read this article about Integration