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Re:Pick Settings

Re:Pick theme has some additional functions which are different from Rehub. So, I will explain some of them

How to add home page as on demo with RePick

First of all, create custom page for home page. Then, choose ‘Grid with filters’ template in Page attributes. That’s all.

You can also choose what categories to show or to exclude in grid template. Settings are in  Theme option   Repick Settings   Repick index grid .

How to add Ebay search link

Go to main home page of Ebay. Type something in search and click to search. Copy link. It will be something like https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=iphone&_sacat=0

Now, open your account on Ebay partner network. Go to Link Generator Tool.

Insert previously copied link and generate link. You will get something like


from this code, remove last part with your keyword, in my example, it’s iphone%26_sacat%3D0

You will get


Insert this code in Theme option – Repick settings – Specify generated search url for Ebay