if you want to show review from woocommerce, use shortcode
[wpsm_reviewbox id=11 woobox=1]
it will generate next block
id paramter must have ID of post, but you can also delete this parameter and shortcode will show review of current item where you placed shortcode
If you want to show just circle score, use
[wpsm_reviewbox compact="circle"]
If you want to show small circle
[wpsm_reviewbox compact="smallcircle"]
For square scorebox
[wpsm_reviewbox compact="square"]
For small squarebox
[wpsm_reviewbox compact="smallsquare"]
For simple text
[wpsm_reviewbox compact="text"]
If you want to show full regular reviewbox from product, use
[wpsm_reviewbox id=11 regular=1]
You can also import review data from post
[rehub_exerpt reviewtext="1"]
will grab description from your review
[rehub_exerpt reviewpros="1"]
will grab PROS field from your review
[rehub_exerpt reviewcons="1"]
will grab CONS field from your review
[rehub_exerpt reviewcriterias="editor"]
Will show editor’s review criterias of post