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Ads and branding

Ads zones

Our theme has huge of ads areas.

For adding ads to banner zone go to  Theme Option   Ads option . You can set ads before site, in header, before title, before footer, after feature image, etc. Also you can set ads code for shortcodes Ads1, Ads2. Shortcodes can be inserted in any place of post by

[wpsm_ads1 float="none"]


[wpsm_ads2 float="none"]

In float you can set float of ads (left, right, none). These shortcodes are also available under buttons:

Tip. You can use shortcodes in any ads area.

Fixed outside banner

You can set a fixed banner for any page. For this, use widget ReHub: Side Out Ads widget. It works like text widget, so you can add to it adsense code, HTML, and even shortcode.

Sticky on scroll banner

Sticky on scroll banner is very interesting and high converted zone. It uses in sidebar and shows when you scroll down a page. For use it, just add your ads or HTML to widget ReHub: Sticky on scroll

Branded banner for categories

Every category may have big branded image. For this, you need to go to category edit page in admin dashboard –  Posts   Categories  and edit category. Now, you can see several field where you can place custom text and images. The same is available for Product categories

You can also customize all Custom areas