If you want to remove search icon
.dl-menuwrapper #mobile-menu-icons .icon-search-onclick {display:none !important}
If you want to remove Login icon
.dl-menuwrapper #mobile-menu-icons .act-rehub-login-popup{display:none !important}
If you want to remove wishlist
.dl-menuwrapper #mobile-menu-icons .rh-wishlistmenu-link {display:none !important}
If you want to remove compare icon
.dl-menuwrapper #mobile-menu-icons .rh-comparemenu-link {display:none !important}
If you want to remove cart icon
.dl-menuwrapper #mobile-menu-icons .widget_shopping_cart {display:none !important}
All of these snippets can be added to Theme option – general – custom css
From 15 version of theme, we use mobile toolbar for icons. Some icons can be added in header and some in footer. If you want to remove from footer, use
#rhNavToolbar instead of
.dl-menuwrapper #mobile-menu-icons
#rhNavToolbar .widget_shopping_cart {display:none !important}
Or remove toolbar completely