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WooCommerce as Hub of Deals

You can use each Woocommerce product not only as separate product, but also as Hub of deals (Comparison product). We added special Product Layouts for this

I recommend to read our big step by step guide how to use Woocommerce for price comparison

Product Layouts for Content Egg works only with Content Egg So, you must activate it for Products in Settings of plugin and add minimum 1 offer which must be synchronized

Then, just choose Product Layout for CE and you will get good looking price comparison Product.

You can extend products with many other useful function for woocommerce 

Compare prices Template is more special template. By default, it will be used for vendor comparison But it’s not only one purpose of this plugin. You can also use it with special woo comparison shortcode. Example of shortcode

[wpsm_woocompare ids=1,2,3 logo=product]

You can use shortcode in special code zone of product

ids parameter in shortcode is ids of products which you want to compare in This Product Hub. Most easy way to create correct shortcode is to choose it in shortcode generator

then, you can just start typing names of products and plugin will auto suggest them. Then, insert shortcode to content and cut it and place in code zone area.

You can also have mix of inner products and external offers which are found with Content Egg. For this, in the same code zone, add also shortcode

[content-egg-block template=custom/all_offers_logo]

So, you will have also list in the same style