For your best experience, we provide two demo import variants. Based on Demo click plugin and WP all migration.
Demo click plugin is recommended, because when you use it, your existed content on site will be not affected, users, widgets, other settings will be safe. Wp all migration demo import is alternative way. It will delete your whole site and will replace it with demo content. So, all existed content will be deleted from your site and replaced by demo content. But, good this in WP all migration is that you don’t need to install plugins and configure them before import.
Table of Contents
One click demo import
To make quickly copy of demo site, you should register your license first. Go to Rehub Registation for instructions.
Then, install recommended plugin “One click demo import”. You can easily do this from Rehub – Plugins tab
Then, Go to Rehub Demo import . You will see there all available demo import files. So, just click on import button. You will find that each demo stack has some required plugin and some recommended plugins + recommended options. If something is required but not active, you will see red notice and link where you can enable required option.
Each demo has some required plugins and some optional plugins. Some plugins are bundled with theme and some can be installed from wordpress repository.
If plugin is not active, you will see link where you can install it. There are two variants of links:
Link on Bundled Plugins page (Rehub – Plugins)
You will be redirectd on page with Paid plugins which are bundled with theme
Here you can Activate or install plugins. Also, there are some plugins in BONUS section. To install them, click on download link, download plugin on your site, then upload file in Plugins – Add new
Link on WordPress plugins page (Plugins – Add new)
To install plugin from this page, just write name in search form on page
Then install and activate plugin
Possible issues
Timeout issue
While import you can see notice that your site can’t get files and timeout is finished. This means that you have very weak server and low timeout, so, your site can’t get all files to import. Write to your hoster and ask to increase timeout for script execustion
Wrong IDs or forms
Demo import doesn’t delete your existed content, menus and widgets, it will add new content to your site. So, before import it’s better to have clean website. It’s not required, because you can delete wrong menu items, widgets in Appearance – Widgets, Appearance – Menus
Comparison doesn’t work
Some demo has enabled comparison function, but after import, comparison page can be set not properly. It’s because you had page with the same ID before import. So, go to theme option – dynamic comparison and choose there proper page for dynamic comparison.
No user, vendor pages
On demo sites you will see links in menu which goes to vendor pages or user profiles. Demo import doesn’t have this, because these pages are useless on real sites. Demo import will import only one user to your site with location, just for test purposes, you can delete user in Users – all users. For any advanded settings, read our step by step guides or ask support
Wrong images
Sometimes you will find wrong image in some blocks on home page. Just edit page and add your own image
If you will have any other issue, contact us
Alternative demo import
If main import is failed, you can try to import via alternative method. Go to next page for instructions
Importing just Theme options and design styles
Go to Rehub – Registration and find “Run Installation Wizard” link. Click on it and you will be able to get Installation wizard where you can import Theme options on first step.