Our theme provides several cool layouts to show your Stores, Brands or any other Taxonomy (Categories) archives. You can use this module on homepage or for creating separate page. This can be very helpful for users to navigate on your site or to search deals from particular shops, brands.
If you use Elementor, you can find Taxonomy Archive module
Also, You can find module in Shortcode generator (“Taxonomy/Brand/Attribute Directory” shortcode). Some shortcodes can show logos, you can set them when you edit category or brand
Or simply copy shortcode from this article
Parameters of Shortcode
Most important are taxonomy and type
Taxonomy of Affiliate Store is “dealstore”, for Product Brands are “store”. Post Categories are “category”, Product Categories “product_cat”
Some examples. This shortcode will show as Link Blocks
[wpsm_tax_archive type="compactbig" taxonomy="dealstore"]
[wpsm_tax_archive type="alpha" taxonomy="dealstore"]
Such shortcode will show structured archive with sorting by alphabet.
[wpsm_tax_archive type="compact" taxonomy="dealstore"]
shortcode will output archive as compact list of tags.
[wpsm_tax_archive type="storegrid" taxonomy="dealstore"]
Will show grid of taxonomy. This shortcode also supports Cashback Notices which you can add when you create Store and Brand. You can also show two rows of shops with shortcode
[wpsm_tax_archive type="storegrid" taxonomy="dealstore" rows=2]
[wpsm_tax_archive type="woocategory" taxonomy="product_cat" imageheight="80" classcol="col_wrap_fourth"]
This shortcode is good way to show woocommerce categories and post categories, and it works for everything which has hierarchy.
For posts, use next shortcode
[wpsm_tax_archive type="postcategory" taxonomy="category" imageheight="80" classcol="col_wrap_fourth"]
The next one is for logos
[wpsm_tax_archive type="logo" taxonomy="dealstore"]
Shortcode will show all logos for all available stores. Logos can be set for Stores when you Edit Stores
You can also set height of images with parameter imageheight. Default is 50
[wpsm_tax_archive type="logo" imageheight=50]
You can also show List of attribute links of woocommerce. Example
[wpsm_tax_archive taxonomy="pa_color"]
Important!!! All attributes of woocommerce has prefix pa_ before slug.
You can use Limit parameter
limit=3Can be useful with Random order parameter
random=1Will randomize order of returned taxonomy.
If you want to show only child taxonomy of your hierarchical taxonomy, use
child_of=22will show all taxonomies which are child of Taxonomy with ID = 22
include=22,23,24Will include only special taxonomies by their IDs
classcol=col_wrap_threeBy default, if you use type as compactbig, logo or compact, grid will have 5 columns. If you want to change this, you can add parameter classcol. Possible values are col_wrap_three and col_wrap_fourth, col_wrap_six
anchor_before=”Coupon codes for “If you add this parameter, all your links will have anchors before. This can be useful for SEO. For example, you will have instead “Amazon, Ebay, Gearbest” links, something like “Coupon codes for Amazon, Coupon codes for Ebay”, etc
anchor_after=””The same as previous, but will be visible after link. Don’t forget that you need to add spaces after or before anchors to prevent merging words.
hide_empty=””will show all taxonomies, even taxonomies which don’t have posts